The Getting of Stuff

Hello My Dear Friends and Family,

If you are a grandparent you need to get a recent copy of the James Island paper and read the column “Life Unscripted” by Katie Wells. In her latest column she talks about inheriting a bunch of her grandmother Mimi’s ‘treasures’, stuff that her Mimi had accumulated over the years and had left to her granddaughter. Katie expressed in her column how much this stuff meant to her.

For a grandmother, also called Mimi, who also happens to have a lot of stuff, my heart was so warmed by this story. Not one to have a lot of money; read cash, stocks, bonds, property, I have often wondered what I would be able to leave my grandchildren. This became particularly important when I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. When that happens it gets you to thinking about a lot of things. All I have is all of this ‘stuff’, stuff I love and treasure; a huge collection of Christian books and cookbooks. Some great shoes, handbags, costume jewelry, dishes, pots and pans, just stuff. But Katie writes in her column, after she brought her Mimi’s stuff home, which included “tacky Christmas placemats”, “it’s not just stuff to me anymore. It’s a connection to my past. A way to remember a person I loved everyday.” I love what she wrote, “That is when I understood Mimi, my grandmother, lives on in my memory but also in her things.” My heart soared when I read that, hoping and praying, that one day, my precious grandchildren will feel that way about their Mimi’s stuff, and I will have blessed them in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

Thanks Katie!

A Mimi With Lots of Stuff Too!

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